1 (edited by rubarius 2016-09-12 19:19:05)

Topic: Sending mail from one mailbox


Prompt how to implement sending mail from a single mailbox?

Exist mailboxes:

It requires that all of them were sent through one e-mail info@domain.com


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Sending mail from one mailbox

This is probably exactly what you're looking for: http://www.iredmail.org/docs/allow.memb … .list.html


Re: Sending mail from one mailbox

Append one more setting in /opt/iredapd/settings.py, then restart iRedAPD service:


If you send email from Roundcube, you should update its "identities_level" setting to allow user to add multiple identities, so that you can choose different sender address while sending email:

// Set identities access level:
// 0 - many identities with possibility to edit all params
// 1 - many identities with possibility to edit all params but not email address
// 2 - one identity with possibility to edit all params
// 3 - one identity with possibility to edit all params but not email address
// 4 - one identity with possibility to edit only signature
$config['identities_level'] = 0;