Topic: Dovecot issue (Error: acl: dict iteration failed, can't update dict)

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release): 0.9.7
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Ubuntu 9
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): MySQL (MariaDB)
- Web server (Apache or Nginx): Apache
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro? IredAdmin
- [IMPORTANT] Related original log or error message is required if you're experiencing an issue.

I did a fresh install of a mailserver and i was checking the logs and found out this.
Any idea's how to solve this issue? It seems simple.

kind regards,


Log  below :

--------------------- Dovecot Begin ------------------------

Dovecot was killed, and not restarted afterwards.

Dovecot IMAP and POP3 Successful Logins: 19

Dovecot disconnects: 20 Total

**Unmatched Entries**
    dovecot: auth: Error: userdb(postmaster@maildomain.com): client doesn't have lookup permissions for this user: userdb reply doesn't contain uid (to bypass this check, set: service auth { unix_listener /var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb { mode=0777 } }): 2 Time(s)
    dovecot: imap(postmaster@maildomain.com): Error: acl: dict iteration failed, can't update dict: 1 Time(s)
    dovecot: imap(postmaster@maildomain.com): Error: dict-client: Iteration failed: net_connect_unix(/var/run/dovecot/dict) failed: Permission denied (euid=2000(vmail) egid=2000(vmail) missing +r perm: /var/run/dovecot/dict, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755) (reply took 0.000 secs (0.000 in dict wait, 0.000 in other ioloops, 0.000 in locks)): 27 Time(s)
    dovecot: imap(postmaster@maildomain.com): Error: dict-client: Lookup 'priv/quota/storage' failed: net_connect_unix(/var/run/dovecot/dict) failed: Permission denied (euid=2000(vmail) egid=2000(vmail) missing +r perm: /var/run/dovecot/dict, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755) (reply took 0.000 secs (0.000 in dict wait, 0.000 in other ioloops, 0.000 in locks)): 23 Time(s)
    dovecot: master: Dovecot v2.2.27 (c0f36b0) starting up for imap, lmtp, pop3 (core dumps disabled): 1 Time(s)
    dovecot: master: Dovecot v2.2.27 (c0f36b0) starting up for imap, lmtp, sieve, pop3 (core dumps disabled): 1 Time(s)
    dovecot: master: Dovecot v2.2.27 (c0f36b0) starting up without any protocols (core dumps disabled): 1 Time(s)


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Dovecot issue (Error: acl: dict iteration failed, can't update dict)

It seems temporary issue which happened during you restarting dovecot service.
Does Dovecot work fine now?


Re: Dovecot issue (Error: acl: dict iteration failed, can't update dict)

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

It seems temporary issue which happened during you restarting dovecot service.
Does Dovecot work fine now?

Yes, a reboot fixed the whole issue. I was so much focussed on fixing the issue, in stead of rebooting one time.