Topic: How to apply latest fail2ban changes on 2 year old install?

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version 0.9.4, upgrading to 0.9.5
- Ubuntu Trusty 14.04.4, MySQL, Apache
- no iRedAdmin-Pro

This document http://www.iredmail.org/docs/upgrade.ir … 0.9.5.html suggests some changes to jail.local. My problem is that I started with version iRedMail 0.8.7, and my file does not match what is shown in the update guide.

Specifically, I don't have [sshd] and [sshd-ddos] sections in jail.local, but only [ssh-iredmail], which is "iptables" instead of "iptables-multiport".

I've always followed the update guides, but it seems the fail2ban file is not up to date. What should I do about it?


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: How to apply latest fail2ban changes on 2 year old install?

I copied the missing sections from iRedMail-0.9.5-1.tar.bz2/iRedMail-0.9.5-1/samples/fail2ban/jail.local replacing the constants with the appropriate values and it seems to work... I hope that's the right way to proceed.


Re: How to apply latest fail2ban changes on 2 year old install?

It's ok. The most important part is the filter files changed to improve spam catch.

You can simply download those filter files and replace the ones on your server (/etc/fail2ban/filter.d):
https://bitbucket.org/zhb/iredmail/src/ … /filter.d/


Re: How to apply latest fail2ban changes on 2 year old install?

Only the postfix.iredmail.conf file had changed. Now I'm using the latest. Thank you smile