Topic: Vacation Plugin

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======== Required information ====
- iRedMail version: 0.8.6
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): PGSQL
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: CentOS 6.5
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Hello All,

Please help me,

I am using Amazon SES to deliver my mails to the internet, but in some accounts I need to activate the "vacation" to auto reply. My problem: when message is delivered  to Amazon I get this error:

Jun  4 16:10:18 mx01 postfix/smtp[23206]: B252924B75: to=<mailout@gmail.com>, relay=[]:10024, delay=1.6, delays=0.03/0/0.01/1.6, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 from MTA(smtp:[]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 3DE8A24431)
Jun  4 16:10:20 mx01 postfix/smtp[23437]: 3DE8A24431: to=<mailout@gmail.com>, relay=email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com[]:25, delay=2.3, delays=0.03/0.1/2/0.23, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com[] said: 501 Invalid MAIL FROM address provided (in reply to MAIL FROM command))

I need to put "mail from" in vacation message? Is possible? How do I do? I am trying a few things but no success at this time.

Thank You, cheeers!



Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Vacation Plugin

Please show us full content of this bounced message in your mailbox. You can see MAIL FROM address in bounced message.


Re: Vacation Plugin

Did you get anywhere with this? We are having exactly the same issue. When we use our old 'sendgrid' account instead of amazon SES the 'vacation' auto reply gets sent and received by our gmail account which are using to test. When we switch back to Amazon and monitor the postfix log, we get a bounce reply saying 'empty from address'.


Re: Vacation Plugin

Hi gav,

Please show us full content of this bounced message in your mailbox, and most importantly, please export the sieve rules which has vacation enabled.


Re: Vacation Plugin

hi, i am gavins colleague so i should be able to help with this. Strangely enough, no bounced message ever arrives in the inbox. When tailing the maillog it is apparent that the system has attempted to send the autoreply (See lines below) but i dont get an amazon bounce message to my inbox or to my SNS endpoint (although it is setup and working). I think this might be because the 'from' header is missing entirely so theres nowhere for the bounce message to go.

Jul  7 10:37:02 server postfix/smtp[18595]: 9C28942358: to=<igootest@googlemail.com>, relay=[]:10024, delay=0.7, delays=0.02/0/0.01/0.66, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 from MTA([]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 40D5F420A0)
Jul  7 10:37:02 server postfix/smtp[18370]: 40D5F420A0: to=<igootest@googlemail.com>, relay=email-smtp.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com[]:25, delay=0.26, delays=0.04/0.01/0.19/0.01, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host email-smtp.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com[] said: 501 Invalid MAIL FROM address provided (in reply to MAIL FROM command))

Im not sure what seiverules you are referring to? im using the manageseive plugin within roundcube and other than that any of the sieve settings will be still as default when iredmail was installed. Where would the sieve rules be stored?

There are some basic settings in etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf pertaining to sieve and there is also the 'sieve' directory within '/var/vmail/' but that folder only contains 1 file called 'dovecot.sieve.sample' which i dont think is active.

please let me know what you need me to provide (location?)


Re: Vacation Plugin

the sieve.log seems to show the appropriate entries as follows;

Jul 07 10:37:01 lda(test@XXXXXX.co.uk): Info: sieve: msgid=<CAF9EVj7oGLxyw6+F-RfcFEdPbtswoLquz4xOPAMhO5VHpVdv_A@mail.gmail.com>: sent vacation response to <igootest@googlemail.com>
Jul 07 10:37:01 lda(test@XXXXXX.co.uk): Info: sieve: msgid=<CAF9EVj7oGLxyw6+F-RfcFEdPbtswoLquz4xOPAMhO5VHpVdv_A@mail.gmail.com>: stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX'

dont know if that helps at all...


Re: Vacation Plugin

i had a look through this thread to see if there was anything that could be related http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic6582 … n-ses.html and came across a few settings i dont have in my dovecot.conf such as;

managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify environment mailbox date ihave

also i dont have a block specifically for the sieve protocol (e.g. the following)

protocol sieve {


although i dont know if im supposed to...

i cant understand why sieve wouldnt be setting the FROM header automatically


Re: Vacation Plugin

You can export sieve rule with Roundcube webmail:

Go to "Settings -> Filters", click filter set "Managesieve", then click the gear icon at the bottom of this column, click "Download" to export sieve rules.

Please try below steps first:

1) If you sent an email from a local hosted mail user to this user who has vacation setting, does it return a auto-replay message? if yes, please show us mail headers of this auto-reply message.

2) Does it work if you add a ':from' field in your vacation sieve rule? For example:

if true
    vacation :from "user@domain.ltd" :days 1 "I'm on vacation.";


Re: Vacation Plugin

Zhang, thanks for the response.

i dont know if this is relevant (im pretty sure its not) but my default filter set name appears to be 'roundcube' and not 'Managesieve'. I followed your instructions regardless and here are the answers;

1) yes actually, if i send from a local account on the same server i do get an autoreply. The headers of the email i get back are;

Return-Path: <MAILER-DAEMON>
Delivered-To: ben@ZZZZ.co.uk
Received: from localhost (server.XXXXXXXXXX.com [])
    by server.XXXXXXXXXX.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 77B004216A
    for <ben@ZZZZ.co.uk>; Tue, 8 Jul 2014 10:49:03 +0100 (BST)
X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at server.XXXXXXXXXX.com
Received: from server.XXXXXXXXXX.com ([])
    by localhost (server.XXXXXXXXXX.com []) (amavisd-new, port 10024)
    with ESMTP id AZDpeYl3Rlnz for <ben@ZZZZ.co.uk>;
    Tue, 8 Jul 2014 10:49:02 +0100 (BST)
Received: by server.XXXXXXXXXX.com (Postfix, from userid 501)
    id D7B5842358; Tue, 8 Jul 2014 10:49:02 +0100 (BST)
X-Sieve: Pigeonhole Sieve 0.3.6
Message-ID: <dovecot-sieve-1404812942-806920-0@server.XXXXXXXXXX.com>
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 10:49:02 +0100
From: <test@ZZZZ.co.uk>
To: <ben@ZZZZ.co.uk>
Subject: out of office
In-Reply-To: <f33603090daccb1280ab3cb6be6eadbb@ZZZZ.co.uk>
References: <f33603090daccb1280ab3cb6be6eadbb@ZZZZ.co.uk>
Auto-Submitted: auto-replied (vacation)
Precedence: bulk
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

(i have replaced my server domain with XXXXXXXXXX and my from/to address domain to ZZZZ for privacy)

2) I couldn't see anywhere to edit the sieve as plaintext within roundcube so i edited the roundcube.sieve file directly on the server to add in the 'from' rule. when i tried from an external account the results was exactly the same. i was tailing the mail log and got the same message;

Jul  8 11:07:52 server postfix/smtp[23474]: 8C4F74216A: to=<igootest@yahoo.co.uk>, relay=email-smtp.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com[]:25, delay=0.38, delays=0.14/0.01/0.21/0.01, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host email-smtp.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com[] said: 501 Invalid MAIL FROM address provided (in reply to MAIL FROM command))

Also, i checked it again from a local address and it still worked correctly. The email FROM header had changed slightly however as the first time it was like this;

From: <test@ZZZZ.co.uk>

and after changing the sieverule as per your instructions it looked like this;

From: test@ZZZZ.co.uk

Personally, the only thing i can see which may be problematic is the "Return-Path: <MAILER-DAEMON>" header. I know SES is pretty strict with things like the return path so im not sure if that has to match the 'from' header in order to validate. Having said that, when i send a standard email manually (via roundcube) the headers look like this when i recieve it;

Return-Path: <000001471577e1cc-16602601-2ae5-4d1c-92ee-1f2bc8fecf36-000000@eu-west-1.amazonses.com>
From: test@XXXX.co.uk
To: XXXXX@gmail.com

so it would seem that amazon actually overwrites the return-path anyway before relaying it.

very confusing...


Re: Vacation Plugin

Do you send email with SES as '[USER]@ZZZ.co.uk'? And your have domain 'zzz.co.uk' hosted on your iRedMail server?


Re: Vacation Plugin

yes, the ZZZZ.co.uk domain is verified with amazon and hosted in iredmail. i can send a standard email from ben@ZZZZ.co.uk to anywhere and it arrives no problem.

The issue appears to be unique to the autoreply that is attempted.


Re: Vacation Plugin

That makes sense.
If SES hosts domain 'zzz.co.uk', it will check whether sender exists (on SES server) if mail was sent FROM '[user]@zzz.co.uk'. It would be better if you use sub-domain for mailing list, e.g. 'lists.zzz.co.uk', and leave primary domain 'zzz.co.uk' hosted on iRedMail server.


Re: Vacation Plugin

you've lost me...

there are no mailing lists? *ALL* domains in question are hosted on my iredmail server, they are just 'verified' in amazon SES dashboard which is required for every sending domain. I relay all messages through amazon SES via postfix. also SES doesnt 'host' any domains, its just an SMTP relay.

and for some reason it doesnt like the 'from' header for autoreplies

its probably going to be easier if i pay for support again


Re: Vacation Plugin

I know this is very old thread but I face exactly same issue
According to this site
http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Pigeonhole/Sie … s/Vacation

This setting is set as default to no
sieve_vacation_send_from_recipient = no

Where should I change that on the server ?
Not sure if it will help but want to test
Thanks for the help


Re: Vacation Plugin

Tricolex wrote:

Where should I change that on the server ?


Please create a new forum topic for your own question/issue, do NOT hijack other's topic, especially 2-year old thread.