Topic: Issues installing iRedMail using MySQL server on separate LAN server

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release): 0.9.4
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Debian 8.3 jessie 64bit MATE 1.8.1
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): MySQL
- Web server (Apache or Nginx): Apache
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro? No
- Related log if you're reporting an issue:

So I've got an issue and I'm wondering if you guys can point me in the right direction to get it solved.

What I'm doing:

I need to run two separate Debian 8 virtual machines in VirtualBox. One is the webserver (B) the other is the email server (C). Both are running on a host Debian 8 machine (A) and both (B&C) need to use the MySQL database on the host machine (A). Both VMs have a Bridged Adapter set in VBox so they all behave as real machines on the network. I have successfully setup the webserver on machine (B) to use the host MySQL database. Machine (C) is a fresh installation of Debian 8. When I follow the instructions set forth in the guide provided at http://www.iredmail.org/docs/install.ir … erver.html the installer iRedMail.sh is unable to connect to the MySQL server on the host. I did test just to see if I can even access the host MySQL server from this VM and indeed it can.  After the installation I can see where the installer ran into problems in the final [INFO] section where it mentions error on some line of code in iRedMail.x.x/functions/mysql is missing. The result is that all of the components installed either dont work or cannot connect to the database. Looking at my phpMyadmin page I can see that the installer was not able to make any changes.

My main question; is there someplace in the installer or accompanying files I can insert the MySQL server information and have in connect to the MySQL server on my host machine successfully.


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Issues installing iRedMail using MySQL server on separate LAN server

Please show us error messages you got from terminal output, also the whole file of 'runtime/install.log'. We need them for troubleshooting.


Re: Issues installing iRedMail using MySQL server on separate LAN server

OK, here are where the errors occur in the output:

* Start iRedMail Configurations
[ INFO ] Create self-signed SSL certification files (2048 bits).
[ INFO ] Generate a strong, unique Diffie Hellman Group with openssl, please wait.
[ INFO ] Create required system account: vmail, iredadmin, iredapd.
[ INFO ] Configure Apache web server.
[ INFO ] Configure PHP.
[ INFO ] Configure MySQL database server.
/root/iRedMail-0.9.4/functions/mysql.sh: line 198: mysql: command not found
[ INFO ] Setup daily cron job to backup SQL databases with /var/vmail/backup/backup_mysql.sh
[ INFO ] Configure Postfix (Message Transfer Agent).
[ INFO ] Configure Dovecot (pop3/imap/managesieve server).
[ INFO ] Configure ClamAV (anti-virus toolkit).
[ INFO ] Configure Amavisd-new (interface between MTA and content checkers).
/root/iRedMail-0.9.4/functions/amavisd.sh: line 536: mysql: command not found
[ INFO ] Configure SpamAssassin (content-based spam filter).
[ INFO ] Configure iRedAPD (postfix policy daemon).
/root/iRedMail-0.9.4/functions/iredapd.sh: line 77: mysql: command not found
[ INFO ] Configure iRedAdmin (official web-based admin panel).
/root/iRedMail-0.9.4/functions/iredadmin.sh: line 121: mysql: command not found
[ INFO ] Configure Roundcube webmail.
/root/iRedMail-0.9.4/functions/roundcubemail.sh: line 73: mysql: command not found
/root/iRedMail-0.9.4/functions/roundcubemail.sh: line 118: mysql: command not found
[ INFO ] Configure SOGo Groupware (Webmail, Calendar, Address Book, ActiveSync).
/root/iRedMail-0.9.4/functions/sogo.sh: line 44: mysql: command not found
[ INFO ] Configure Awstats (logfile analyzer for mail and web server).

* iRedMail-0.9.4 installation and configuration complete.

< Question > Would you like to use firewall rules provided by iRedMail?
< Question > File: /etc/default/iptables, with SSHD port: 22. [Y|n]Y
[ INFO ] Copy firewall sample rules: /etc/default/iptables.
< Question > Restart firewall now (with SSHD port 22)? [y|N]y
[ INFO ] Restarting firewall ...
[ INFO ] Updating ClamAV database (freshclam), please wait ...
ERROR: /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log is locked by another process
ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log).

And attached is the runtime/install.log you asked for.

Post's attachments

install.log 13.6 kb, 2 downloads since 2016-03-21 

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Re: Issues installing iRedMail using MySQL server on separate LAN server

erinpdunn wrote:

/root/iRedMail-0.9.4/functions/mysql.sh: line 198: mysql: command not found

Checked 'install.log', it didn't install mysql server/client packages at all.

It's a known bug which was fixed days ago. Currently, you can fix it by installing mysql client package BEFORE installing iRedMail.


Re: Issues installing iRedMail using MySQL server on separate LAN server

Thank for your prompt response. I will try your recommendations. I will post back with my results soon.