Topic: Help on automating iredmail installation

http://www.iredmail.org/docs/unattended … ation.html

i've read that guide above, but there are still things unclear to me.

1). The most important file is, config. I can change the mysql password, first domain, domain. But I also see some things I didn't assigned to. Is there some lines in config file not supposed to be edited? or they are generated from the setup?

2) You said in the guide...."Perform after-installation tasks: upload downloaded ClamAV database, ..., reboot server.", what are those after-installation tasks? I always use the installer, and after the installation there are just some settings I configure to suit to our needs, but I haven't do like uploading ClamAV database, how to do that?

3) Will this work for standard vps like digitalocean? What I have in mind is, spin a droplet of ubuntu, update repo, clone the config file, run the script.

Your thoughts?


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Help on automating iredmail installation

iamarmanjon wrote:

1). The most important file is, config. I can change the mysql password, first domain, domain. But I also see some things I didn't assigned to. Is there some lines in config file not supposed to be edited? or they are generated from the setup?

All of them are generated during the dialog wizard. So you're free to change any of them.

WARNING: please make sure you know what the parameter means before you changing it.

iamarmanjon wrote:

2) You said in the guide...."Perform after-installation tasks: upload downloaded ClamAV database, ..., reboot server.", what are those after-installation tasks? I always use the installer, and after the installation there are just some settings I configure to suit to our needs, but I haven't do like uploading ClamAV database, how to do that?

Upload downloaded clamav database is not required. I removed this in document moment ago.
But you still need to reboot server to active all services.

iamarmanjon wrote:

3) Will this work for standard vps like digitalocean? What I have in mind is, spin a droplet of ubuntu, update repo, clone the config file, run the script.

Yes. I do this unattended installation every day with VMware virtual machines.


Re: Help on automating iredmail installation

Thanks sir. Will try to make it work.