Topic: Roundcubemail password plugin

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version: 0.9.0
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): MySQL
- Web server (Apache or Nginx): Apache/2.2.22
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
- Related log if you're reporting an issue:

How should I configure 'password_dovecotpw_method' for password plugin in Roundcubemail (currently v.1.1.0) ?
I tried with different types but everything roundcube says "Could not save new password. Encryption function missing." and in the Apache error_log only this "Unknown scheme:  SSHA"

Thanks in advance!


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Roundcubemail password plugin

Could you show us your Password Plugin config file? I managed to change this personally so I'll compare it to mine


Re: Roundcubemail password plugin

$config['password_driver'] = 'sql';
$config['password_confirm_current'] = true;
$config['password_minimum_length'] = 0;
$config['password_require_nonalpha'] = false;
$config['password_log'] = false;
$config['password_login_exceptions'] = null;
$config['password_hosts'] = null;
$config['password_force_save'] = false;
$config['password_force_new_user'] = false;
$config['password_db_dsn'] = "mysqli://roundcube:xxxxxxxxxxxx@";
$config['password_query'] = "UPDATE vmail.mailbox SET password=%D,passwordlastchange=NOW() WHERE username=%u
$config['password_crypt_hash'] = 'md5';
$config['password_idn_ascii'] = false;
$config['password_dovecotpw'] = '/usr/sbin/dovecotpw';
$config['password_dovecotpw_method'] = 'SSHA';
$config['password_dovecotpw_with_method'] = true;
$config['password_hash_algorithm'] = 'sha1';
$config['password_hash_base64'] = false;
$config['password_blowfish_cost'] = 12;
$config['password_pop_host'] = 'localhost';
$config['password_pop_port'] = 106;
$config['password_saslpasswd_args'] = '';
$config['password_ldap_host'] = 'localhost';
$config['password_ldap_port'] = '389';
$config['password_ldap_starttls'] = false;
$config['password_ldap_version'] = '3';
$config['password_ldap_basedn'] = 'dc=exemple,dc=com';
$config['password_ldap_method'] = 'user';
$config['password_ldap_adminDN'] = null;
$config['password_ldap_adminPW'] = null;
$config['password_ldap_userDN_mask'] = 'uid=%login,ou=people,dc=exemple,dc=com';
$config['password_ldap_searchDN'] = 'cn=roundcube,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com';
$config['password_ldap_searchPW'] = 'secret';
$config['password_ldap_search_base'] = 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com';
$config['password_ldap_search_filter'] = '(uid=%login)';
$config['password_ldap_encodage'] = 'crypt';
$config['password_ldap_pwattr'] = 'userPassword';
$config['password_ldap_force_replace'] = true;
$config['password_ldap_lchattr'] = '';
$config['password_ldap_samba_pwattr'] = '';
$config['password_ldap_samba_lchattr'] = '';
$config['password_directadmin_host'] = 'tcp://localhost';
$config['password_directadmin_port'] = 2222;
$config['password_vpopmaild_host'] = 'localhost';
$config['password_vpopmaild_port'] = 89;
$config['password_vpopmaild_timeout'] = 10;
$config['password_cpanel_host'] = 'host.domain.com';
$config['password_cpanel_username'] = 'username';
$config['password_cpanel_password'] = 'password';
$config['password_cpanel_port'] = 2087;
$config['password_ximss_host'] = 'mail.example.com';
$config['password_ximss_port'] = 11024;
$config['password_chpasswd_cmd'] = 'sudo /usr/sbin/chpasswd 2> /dev/null';
$config['xmail_host'] = 'localhost';
$config['xmail_user'] = 'YourXmailControlUser';
$config['xmail_pass'] = 'YourXmailControlPass';
$config['xmail_port'] = 6017;
$config['hmailserver_remote_dcom'] = false;
$config['hmailserver_server'] = array(
    'Server' => 'localhost', // hostname or ip address
    'Username' => 'administrator', // windows username
    'Password' => 'password' // windows user password
$config['password_virtualmin_format'] = 0;
$config['password_pw_usermod_cmd'] = 'sudo /usr/sbin/pw usermod -h 0 -n';
$config['password_dbmail_args'] = '-p sha512';
$config['password_expect_bin'] = '/usr/bin/expect';
$config['password_expect_script'] = '';
$config['password_expect_params'] = '';
$config['password_smb_host'] = 'localhost';
$config['password_smb_cmd'] = '/usr/bin/smbpasswd';
$config['password_gearman_host'] = 'localhost';
$config['password_plesk_host'] = '';
$config['password_plesk_user'] = 'admin';
$config['password_plesk_pass'] = 'password';
$config['password_plesk_rpc_port'] = '8443';
$config['password_plesk_rpc_path'] = 'enterprise/control/agent.php';


Re: Roundcubemail password plugin

$config['password_query'] = "UPDATE vmail.mailbox SET password=%D,passwordlastchange=NOW() WHERE username=%u LIMIT 1";

// Path for dovecotpw (if not in $PATH)
$config['password_dovecotpw'] = '/usr/bin/doveadm pw';

// Dovecot method (dovecotpw -s 'method')
$config['password_dovecotpw_method'] = 'SSHA512';

My relevant lines, the only issue in yours I see from a quick glance is you're trying to use dovecotpw which no longer exists, it is now a module of doveadm so just try and use my $config['password_dovecotpw']


Re: Roundcubemail password plugin

Thanks! This was the problem, my dovecotpw file contains "doveadm pw" but as it seems doesn't work smile


Re: Roundcubemail password plugin

I'll prompt Zhang to change it in the default patch shipped with iRedMail


Re: Roundcubemail password plugin

netizen wrote:

How should I configure 'password_dovecotpw_method' for password plugin in Roundcubemail (currently v.1.1.0) ?

Did you apply plugin shipped in iRedMail-0.9.0 to support doveadm pw?
https://bitbucket.org/zhb/iredmail/src/ … l/patches/